Providing local community transport options.
Sunny is a 9 seat electric mini-bus with a wheelchair hoist. She's going to be working hard for our district as part of a 2 year pilot Gippsland Community Transport project.
Our bus drivers are local volunteers, so to help us co-ordinate your trip, bookings are essential. See the links below:

Note - scheduled times are as accurate as possible. Please be patient as we work to make this project a success for our community.
If online bookings are not your thing, please call SUNNY on 0403 108 199. Leave a message and someone will get back to you to assist you with your booking enquiry.

Leongatha - Friday
Weekly service from Venus Bay to Leongatha via Koonwarra. 9:15am - VB Community Centre 9:30am - VB2 2nd estate post boxes 9:45am - VB1 1st estate shops 10:00am - Tarwin Lower CFA 10:20am - Koonwarra V/Line stop 10:30am - Arrive Leongatha V/line stop *** 2:00pm - Depart Leongatha V/Line stop 2:10pm - Koonwarra V/Line stop 2:30pm - Tarwin Lower CFA 2:45pm - VB1 1st estate shops Note - scheduled times are as accurate as possible. Please be patient as we work through the trial period. If online bookings are not your thing, please call SUNNY on 0403 108 199 and leave a message and someone will get back to you to assist you with your booking enquiry.

Wonthaggi - Monday
Weekly service from Venus Bay to Wonthaggi via Inverloch. 10:15am - VB Community Centre 10:30am - VB2 2nd estate post boxes 10:45am - VB1 1st estate shops 11:00am - Tarwin Lower CFA 11:30am - Inverloch V/Line stop 11:45am - Arrive Wonthaggi V/Line stop *** 2:30pm - Depart Wonthaggi V/Line stop 2:45pm - Inverloch V/Line stop 3:00pm - Tarwin Lower CFA 3:15pm - VB1 1st estate shops 3:30pm - VB2 2nd estate post boxes 3:45pm - VB Community Centre

Sunny the E-Bus is powered by community, for community.
With no funding provided for this project, your donation of time or funds would greatly help us with the ongoing requirements of running and maintaining this community service for those that need it.

How much does it cost? Sunny is a free bus service for all scheduled services and the summer beach shuttle. For private group bookings and quotes please call 0403108199.
How many people can fit on the bus? The bus can take up to nine 9 passegers plus the driver, or 7 passengers if there is a wheelchair passenger on board.
Do I need to book? Yes, please book. We ask for 24 hours’ notice to help us manage pick-ups and the volunteer driver schedule.
What is the Gippsland Community eBus Project? The project involves running trials of community-run electric buses in two regional locations, Venus Bay and Sandy Point, to meet transport needs of the two communities in a sustainable way. With the assistance of researchers at La Trobe University the project will create knowledge about how to set up and run such services. This knowledge will be used to develop a plan for future use of other communities that wish to set up something similar. The project is very collaborative. Venus Bay Community Centre and Sandy Point Bus Management Committee are responsible for setting up and running the services, the Victorian Government has provided funding for the buses, and La Trobe University is providing the research expertise with the support of the iMOVE Cooperative Research Centre. None of it would be possible without the support of volunteers in the local communities who are helping to organise, promote, coordinate and deliver the services! As far as we know, this project is the only one of its kind in Victoria! We are leading the way.
Who can use the bus? Anyone can make a booking to use the bus. Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult.
How long will the service run for? The project will run over two years, with the idea the community will be able to continue running the service after the project is finished.
How far in advance do I need to book? We ask for 24 hours’ notice to enable us to deliver the best service possible.
Can I still book if it is less than 24 hours’ notice? Please get in touch with us by phone and we will try to help.
Will the bus run if I am the only booking? We will honour all bookings for the first trial period – so yes, it will run if you are the only booking. This may change as we refine the service in response to community needs and feedback.
If I see the bus and have not made a booking will it pick me up? If here is space on the bus and the driver sees you we are happy to pick you up! It is always better to book if you can though so we can guarantee the service for you and for others. We may ask you to fill in your details during the journey so we can improve the service.
Can I book the e-Bus for private events? Yes, please email us venusbaycommunityebus@gmail.com or give us a call on 0403 108 199 to discuss what you need.Group bookings are only available when scheduled services are not running. There will be a cost for a private event, and availability will be dependent on volunteer drivers.
How do I cancel or change a booking? Please contact us (preferably with 24 hours’ notice) on 0403 108 199
Can I have luggage / surfboard / bike / pram etc? Please let us know if you are bringing any bulky items so we can plan for space on board. At this stage we can’t carry bicycles but are looking into ways of being able to offer this service in the future.
Can I access the service with a wheelchair? Yes, the eBus is wheelchair accessible. Bookings are required for this. Only one wheelchair can be accommodated.
Will the service come/go to my door? Generally we ask you to go to a pick up point. If this is not possible due to mobility, luggage or other reasons please let us know on your booking form. We will schedule a house pick up and/or drop off.
How can I volunteer to help with the service? We would love your help. Call in to the Venus Bay Community Centre for an initial discussion or send email info@vbcc.org.au. To become a driver, you must be over 25 years old, have a valid Victorian driving licence, have a current Working with Children Check (WWCC) and current Police Check. They are also required to be a Member of the Venus Bay Community Centre and abide by our Code of Conduct and Child Safe Standards.
What do I do if I have a suggestion / compliment / complaint? We welcome your feedback which will help us deliver the best possible service for our community. Please contact us info@vbcc.org.au or 5663 7499