VISION – our goal
Venus Bay and district - a strong, healthy, sustainable and connected community.
This is the dynamic reason for our existence. This is the ‘why’ that drives our work.
MISSION – how we will reach our goal
In our rules we have committed to 9 purposes or goals. We believe they will help our community to be stronger, healthier, sustainable and more connected
Publish reliable and useful information for the community
Generate and support programs and activities for all age groups that connect people and expand their knowledge, imagination, curiosity, skills and experience.
Offer services that meet expressed community needs.
Strive towards a sustainable community through energy saving, recycling and local food production.
Arrange, promote and engage in community discussions about matters that affect the future well-being of the district.
Maintain and improve the building and grounds as a safe place for the community.
Partner with other organisations and agencies on initiatives designed to strengthen the community.
Review and refine our internal processes and policies.
Support and value our volunteers and staff.